Friars’ Lodge



Charitable giving is a major part of being a Freemason, when it can be done without detriment to yourself and your family.

The members of Friars’ Lodge donate to charities promoted by the United Grand Lodge of England through the Masonic Charitable Foundation which regularly supports individuals and organisations. Occasionally, specific projects are supported such as the provision of a Cyber Knife, advanced technology to fight cancer. London Freemasons raised £2 million in just 18 months as a donation towards the provision of a second helicopter for the London Air Ambulance Service, which has considerably improved its life-saving capability.

In addition, Friars’ supports about six selected charities with annual donations and each masonic year, the current Master of the Lodge chooses a charity to which members are invited to donate.

Friars’ Lodge


Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution, Royal Masonic Hospital, The Grand Charity: Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys, New Masonic Samaritan Fund.

Gold Award:

Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (London Appeal 2004-9), Vice Patron Lodge of the MMC London Fire Brigade Appeal.


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